Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What's for Dinner? White Chicken Chili!

First thing's first...HAPPY NEW YEAR!  It's been a hectic holiday season, so I apologize for dropping off for a bit. We had my family all here for the first half of Christmas Week, and then Sully, Finn and I flew to New Orleans for the second part.  It was crazy, but a lot of fun.  We had some really good meals over the past few weeks and I have lots to share with you but I will start with our dinner tonight.

Here in the South, we have an "arctic air mass" rolling in.  Considering this past weekend it was 72 degrees and I was really hot (some of that MIGHT have been the pregnancy), it was a seriously rude awakening when the high today was 39 and the winds were gusting up to 30 mph. Brrrrrr!  It made me want chili and white chicken chili was it! This is a really good recipe that is perfect for a cold winter's night.  Give it a try and cozy up by the fire.  Here's to a great 2012!!

And by the way, if you cook any of my recipes, please let me know how they turned out!  Good or bad!  I love hearing what people made and any feedback is appreciated. Cheers!

White Chicken Chili
Serves 6
Printable Recipe

  • 1 TBSP olive oil
  • 2 medium onions
  • 3 chicken breasts (about 1 lb raw, diced in small pieces)
  • 4-5 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 tsp cumin
  • 2 tsp oregano
  • 2 4-oz cans diced green chilies
  • 2 14.5-oz cans Cannellini or Great Northern beans, drained
  • 4 cups chicken stock (I used low sodium)
  • 1 cup shredded cheese (Monterrey Jack works well or I used low fat 4-cheese Mexican)
  • 3 TBSP half and half (can delete this if you like, but it adds a nice touch of richness to the chili)
  • cheese, green onion and sour cream for garnish

In a large soup pot, heat oil.  Add onion and sauté until they begin to soften.  Add in chicken and sauté until browned and cooked through.  Add garlic and cook one minute more.  Add in cumin, oregano green chilies and beans and mix together.  Add broth and bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce heat and simmer over low heat for about one hour until chili starts to thicken. Add cheese and half and half and continue simmering until desired thickness is reached. Serve with garnishes and enjoy!

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